Putting Up a Wood Fence 

If you’re considering adding a wood fence to your property, you should be familiar with the process. There are a number of laws and regulations to follow when putting up a wooden fence, including height restrictions. You may also need to get a building permit before you start. Check with your local city or county building codes for details. 

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The first step in putting up a wooden fence is to select and mark the location of the posts. Posts should be spaced between six and eight feet apart. They should have rounded or slanted heads to avoid rotting or breaking. 

After the posts are in place, you should set up the rails. This can be done with pre-assembled panels or with fence pickets. Fence rails should be attached to the post at the widest part and secured with two fasteners. In addition, they should be leveled to keep them straight. 

Once the post holes are filled with concrete, you should tamp the concrete into place with a garden hoe. Be sure to pour the concrete to the proper depth, and to slope away from the post. When it has cured, add a few inches of dirt around the base of the post and to the bottom of the concrete. It may take several days for the concrete to fully set. 

To make sure the post is braced properly, use a 2-foot by 4-foot board to reinforce it. A regular post hole digger can dig the hole. However, it’s not the best tool to use, and it can be dangerous. Make sure to wear safety equipment and work carefully. 

Next, use a string or mason line to mark the locations of the posts. This will ensure that the rails will be placed on the right side of the post and in the right direction. Another way to do this is to use a mason tie. 

You can also measure and mark the perimeter of your fence. This is especially important if your property is sloping. Use a long tape measure, or a measuring wheel, to do this. For a large area, you can even make a graph on paper and adjust the measurements as needed. 

Once you’ve done the calculations, you should be ready to begin the installation. This process can be a lot more fun and easier with the help of someone else. Having a partner will help you finish the project faster and less expensively. 

Putting up a fence is a complicated process, and you’ll need a number of tools. Ensure you’re wearing appropriate safety equipment, and have all the necessary permits and regulations in hand before beginning. You can also save time and money by buying pre-assembled panels. 

Finally, when it comes to painting your fence, you want to apply the right paint. You should use exterior oil-based paint to protect the wood from the weather, and to extend the life of the paint. You can also treat the entire area with a wood preservative.