Are there any health and safety concerns associated with fence repair? 

Fences provide security, curb appeal, and privacy, but they can also be a safety hazard. If they are in disrepair, they can become a target for burglars and pests, and they can even be dangerous to walk through. So, it’s important to keep them in good condition, or they will be less useful and more expensive to fix. 

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Most types of fencing consist of posts that are buried in the ground and reinforced with concrete. These posts support rails and a gate, which swings open to allow you to get in or out of the fence. 

Over time, posts can become rotten and weak due to things like water damage or a wood-destroying pest infestation. These issues could cause the posts to lean and fall over, or they might sag and bow outward. 

The problem with a rotten post is that it can no longer support your fence’s weight, so it may need to be removed and replaced with new ones. This costs an average of $280, but it’s better to repair it before it causes any further problems. 

Trees and shrubbery:

If you have overgrown plants in your backyard, they can sway the fence to one side, making it more difficult for it to stand straight. This can be a problem especially when there is a wind or rain storm. 

A blown over fence can be dangerous, as it can be easier for kids and pets to climb through. Plus, it could pose a threat to your neighbors. 

When you call a fence professional, they’ll want to inspect your entire structure before they offer a price for repairs. This will help them catch any other potential issues that you might not have noticed on your own. 


Metal fences can be prone to rust, so it’s best to take care of them on a regular basis. This can be done by removing any rust spots and applying an anti-rusting sealant to prevent future corrosion damage. 

Some of these stains are easy to remove, but others may require the removal and replacement of whole sections. It’s best to talk with your local handyman to find out what needs to be done and how much it will cost. 

Your fence is an investment, so it’s crucial to make sure it’s in good shape. By addressing any issues that arise and taking proper care of your fence, you’ll be able to enjoy it for years to come. 


Your homeowner’s insurance likely covers most of the cost of fence damage that comes from certain events, such as a natural disaster or vandalism. But if the damage is caused by something that’s not covered, you may have to pay out-of-pocket. 

Termites and other wood-destroying pests: 

Termites can be a serious problem, particularly for older wooden fences. If they are a significant issue, it’s worth hiring an expert to exterminate them and replace the affected parts. 

The damage can be expensive, as you’ll need to pay an expert to remove the pests and replace the fence’s supports.