How to Install a Wood Fence?

Before you begin, it’s helpful to know where to dig the holes. For example, the distance between fence posts should be six to eight feet apart. The same goes for gates. Mark each location with a pencil. Then, remove the stakes before digging. Then, you’ll know where to place the posts and gates. 

(Looking for types of wood for fence? Contact us today!)

Build a wooden fence 

There are a number of different methods you can use when installing a wooden fence. In order to avoid uneven spacing and the risk of splitting the wood, it is important to follow some basic guidelines. For example, you should make sure the posts and rot boards are at least two inches off the ground. This is to prevent them from coming into contact with any standing water. 

First, you need to place the fence posts at the corners of your property. After that, place the rails between the posts, which should be in perpendicular alignment. To do this, measure and cut the rails to fit between the posts. The length of the rails will depend on how tall your fence will be. 

Dig a hole 

Before you begin, you’ll need to dig a hole that’s the right size for your fence post. For example, a 4-foot post should be about two feet in diameter and at least twelve inches (30cm) deep. To make digging easier, you can use a post hole digger to dig a straight-walled hole for the post. Alternatively, you can use a shovel to break through hard soil. If the ground is hard, you can add gravel to the hole. 

Once you’ve dug the hole, you’ll need to fill it with concrete to make the fence post stand securely. This will help divert rainwater away from the post, and it will also help prevent rot. To mix the concrete, you can use a wheelbarrow or bucket. Once the concrete is mixed, use a trowel to smooth out the post. You can also add extra concrete to the hole by using a bag of Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete Mix. You can follow the mix-and-water ratio on the bag. One bag can fill up to four 12-inch-wide holes. 

Attach pickets 

If you are planning to build a wood fence on your property, you should learn how to attach pickets to a fence rail. First, you need to determine the width of the posts. In some cases, you may need to adjust the rail width slightly. Then, you should attach the pickets to the rails. This will help you install them evenly. 

You can use nails or screws to attach pickets to a wooden fence. However, it is more convenient to use screws. Moreover, screws can last longer and are more durable. 

Calculate total square footage 

Calculating the total square footage of your yard is important before you start putting up a wood fence. You’ll need to take measurements of your property lines and yard boundaries before buying any materials. You can also use a surveyor to estimate the total square footage of your yard before you begin construction. 

To determine the total square footage of your wood fence, multiply the length of the fence by the height of the fence. If the fence is more than one foot tall, multiply the length of the fence by 1.5. 

Get a building permit 

Before starting to install a fence, it’s important to get a building permit from your town. Building permits are necessary for many construction projects and will allow you to carry out the project legally. They also ensure that the work is done in accordance with the city’s codes. These regulations help ensure the safety of residents and property owners. You should get a permit for any construction project, including installing a new wood fence or updating an existing one. If you’re not sure how to get one, contact your local building inspector’s office to find out what you need to submit. 

A building permit is required for all work that changes the use of the property or involves the electrical and mechanical systems. You can apply for a building permit yourself, or you can hire a licensed contractor to handle the process for you. The guide below describes when you need a building permit and what factors you need to consider before proceeding.