How to Install Cedar Fence Posts?

When installing cedar fence posts, it is important to consider the following factors. First, the post should be properly treated to prevent rot and insect infestations. The post should also be rated for the ground contact it will be subjected to. For example, if the post is to be buried in the ground, it should be at least six inches deep. You should also check that the post is level. 

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Besides ensuring that the post is properly treated, you should also use a preservative on the base of the post. For cedar, this can be either Cuprinol, available at some paint stores, or a copper napthanate preservative, which is designed for in-ground applications. Both are effective. Using a copper napthanate preservative helps to keep the wood from rotting, and the preservative can be applied to both the post and the base. The bottom of the post should be buried in the soil or a concrete base. 

Once the post is inserted into the hole, it should be stabilized and braced with wire or wooden stakes. If you are installing the post in a location that is not a flat surface, it will be helpful to place a small mound of gravel on the post. This will help to improve the drainage of the soil and wick away moisture. It is also recommended to make a two-inch layer of gravel on the bottom of the hole. 

After lining up the post with the fence line, you will need to mark the fence line with a spirit level. Then, you will need to cut the post to the desired length and width. You can do this with a circular saw. It is best to cut the core of the post to 10 to 12 inches in diameter. This is the size of the post’s bolt holes, which should be pre-drilled with a one-half-inch drill bit. 

Once the post is cut to the correct size, you can begin filling the hole with wet concrete. If the concrete is not set in the morning, it will take at least four hours for it to be set. This will allow time for the post to dry before moving it. You will also need a shovel or a hoe to add wet concrete to the area around the post. 

Before you begin pouring the concrete, you should check the weather forecast. If you are having problems with the weather, you may want to wait for better conditions. You can also check the post’s height by using a spirit level. If it is too low, it should be raised. You can then seal the gap between the concrete and the post with expanding silicone sealant. This will ensure that the fence is secure. 

Once the concrete has set, you will need to remove the extra wood from the post. If you have an assistant, he or she can hold the post steady while you pour the concrete. A narrow sharpshooter shovel can be used to press wet concrete around the post’s base. If the concrete is not smooth and even, you can smooth it with a trowel. You can also apply high-quality exterior acrylic latex caulk to the seams between the post and the concrete.