How to Take Apart Vinyl Fencing? 

Vinyl fences are a great option for homeowners who want to add a touch of style and privacy to their yards. They are affordable, durable, and easy to maintain. They are also available in a variety of styles and colors, so you can find one that suits your home and tastes. However, if you have an old or broken vinyl fence, it may need to be removed and replaced before you can move on to the next project. 

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Remove Vinyl Fence Panels 

Removing old vinyl fence panels is a quick and easy job, as they are very easy to remove and reuse. Simply use a claw hammer or power screwdriver to loosen any nails or screws and pull them out. If the system was screwed together, you can also use a pry bar to separate the sections. 

Replacing Vinyl Fence Rails 

When removing a vinyl fence rail with tabs, it is important to be careful and take precautions that do not cause any injury in the process. This is especially important when you have children or pets around, as they could potentially get snagged on the rail and break their legs. 

First, locate the tabs that hold the rail in place. Then, use a pair of wire cutters or pliers to cut away the caps on either end of the rail. 

This will allow you to gently pull the rail free of its retaining tabs and remove it from the fence. Be sure to do this carefully because there is likely tension between each section of the railing that could cause serious injury if you accidentally grab the wrong piece. 

Fill the Hole with Expandable Foam 

If you have a small hole or crack in your fence, you can use a can of spray foam to repair it. Just be careful not to overfill the space inside the fence, as this can cause warping and bulge within the plastic. 

Once the hole is filled, let it dry overnight before sanding to make it more smooth. Once the area is smooth, you can apply a fresh coat of paint to it to give it a new look. 

Removing Rough Edging From Vinyl Fencing 

When taking apart a vinyl fence, it is very common for there to be rough edges and splinters on the outside of the fence. These can interfere with the final appearance of the fence, so it is best to remove them before you sand the surface. 

Removing Grass Stains, Tar, and Grease 

If your fence has any sort of stain on it, you can easily remove it using a non-abrasive cleaner. Depending on the type of stain, a cleaning solution made for use on vinyl might be all that is needed to remove it. 

Using Mineral Spirits and Tar Remover 

If you have any dirt or rust on your vinyl fence, you can remove it with a non-abrasive cleaning solution made specifically for use on vinyl. This can be a mixture of warm water and mineral spirits or tar remover. It is advisable to wear gloves while working with this product, as it can cause blistering or irritation to your skin.